Curriculum Statement 2022-2023

Teaching and Learning

Leighton Academy is committed to meeting the requirements of the primary core curriculum with modified enhancements within the foundation subjects. The curriculum will be taught with the consideration of the needs of all learners. Our curriculum will be exciting and will inspire pupils to nurture a passion for learning. 

Our values of 'working hard and being kind' underpin our rigorous and broad curriculum.

Our curriculum ensures that our pupils' learning is both meaningful and benefits from a specific focus on the core requirements of the English and Mathematics curriculum, building on what pupils already know. We teach connections in knowledge to aid the pupils’ capacity to use concepts in their own thinking through a focus on vocabulary.  Our aim is to ensure that all pupils make good progress and intervention programmes are developed to support the needs of each child. Furthermore, the curriculum aims to meet with the broader objectives of our social, moral, spiritual and cultural education through the KiVA programme and personal development scheme of work, preparing the pupils to be well rounded citizens and high school ready. 

Core Subjects

To ensure all pupils are reading by the age of 6 we use the Floppy’s Phonics programme supported by a variety of staged and levelled reading books. Specific interventions target less confident readers and Accelerated Reader ensures pupils from year 1 to 6 are reading appropriate texts. Leighton Academy strives to encourage a love of reading in all pupils.

At the heart of our teaching of writing is the Literacy Counts’ ‘Read to Write’ approach. This focuses on key vocabulary and oracy skills, enabling pupils to apply key language successfully. We immerse the pupils into the text through a range of activities including drama, opportunities to explore writing techniques, followed by shared writing to show them how to craft their skills. As a result, they rapidly develop their reading, writing and language skills.

At Leighton Academy, we use the DFE approved programme - Power Maths - to support the teaching of maths with a focus on mastery and reasoning. This is a consistent scheme from reception to year 6 which focuses on concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches. In addition, daily arithmetic and retrieval opportunities are delivered through White Rose’s Flashback 4 activity in KS2 and teacher-led activities in KS1. Pupils are encouraged to develop their fluency and knowledge through programmes such as Times Table Rockstars, Freckle and Maths Jam. 

Foundation Subjects

High quality teaching of all foundation subjects has been a priority for the school. All schemes of work have been rewritten with a focus on pupils having the knowledge they need to access a broad curriculum. Each subject is taught with vocabulary enrichment at the heart, building on what pupils already know. A PE Instructor, working alongside specialist coaches, ensure that the school sport curriculum focuses on the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and an enhanced opportunity to take part in competitive sport, both in and out of the curriculum. Character building skills are taught across the school through the ‘Commando Joe’ programme woven into our Personal Development curriculum. 

Teaching Guidelines


  • Planning takes account of the academy’s curriculum overview – adapted with the approval of the relevant subject leader 
  • Planning contains clear and appropriate learning objectives including targets for cohorts and individuals aimed at narrowing the gap for those who find learning more of a challenge
  • Planning is differentiated where appropriate with a focus on mastery of skills and application of challenge through our ‘going deeper’ approach

 Classroom Organisation

  • Teachers are well-prepared with good quality resources in a well-organised teaching area 
  • Non-negotiable displays that are subject specific are accessible to the pupils at all times 

Classroom Management

  • Lessons have pace and rigour 
  • Assessment for learning strategies are used to identify the next learning steps for the pupils
  • Questions challenge
  • Teachers have sound subject knowledge of the subjects they are teaching 
  • Teachers are able to respond appropriately, improvise and be flexible
  • Pupils are told the learning objectives - be reminded of them through the lesson but adjusted as revealed by the pupil’s emerging, knowledge, skills and understanding
  • Teaching is interactive, responsive and investigative
  • Behaviour is managed following our ‘Stronger Together’ approach as detailed in the behaviour regulation policy

Assessment and Evaluation

  • INSIGHT is used to track pupil’s attainment and progress fed into by summative, standardised and teacher assessments, in line with the assessment policy for core subjects
  • Marking is in accordance with the marking policy with a focus on progressive, on the spot feedback to set targets, move the learning forward, provide challenge and develop a dialogue with the teacher and pupil through responsive marking 
  • Homework is in line with the policy – to enrich/consolidate learning with a focus on fundamental skills including reading, times tables, mental maths strategies and spelling

Learning Guidelines

  • Pupils have respect for adults who work within school and the wider community, peers, equipment and resources
  • Pupils are immersed in appropriate language to their needs and subject to enable them to create imaginative links between areas of learning
  • Pupils learn how to work independently, autonomously and ambitiously with elements of resilience and persistence
  • Pupils are able to co-operate in groups to pursue an investigation
  • Pupils are confident to take risks and prepared to make mistakes whilst suggesting ways to improve work
  • Pupils are evaluative of own and other’s work