Welcome back to Year 5!

Mrs Sayer 5S

Mr Pawley 5P

Our support staff - Mrs Allen, Mrs Woods, Mrs Lucas, Miss Oakley, Miss Proctor and Mrs Robinson. 

What are we learning?

Please find below the overview of what we will be learning during Summer Term in Year 5.


Our new PE days for Summer 2 are Tuesday and Wednesday. 
Children should come to school in their PE kit, including appropriate footwear and an outdoor jacket. Uniform will not be required on these day.


  • Reading -  Please ensure your child reads daily and records the reading in their reading journal.  We will be tracking children's reading using their reading journals and accelerated reader to ensure they are reading and making great progress. 
  • Accelerated Reader - Children will be able to complete accelerated reader quizzes in the morning to add to their word count, work towards their reading targets and improve their reading ability. 
  • Mathematics - Please support your child to work on their Freckle Maths task set during the week. 
  • Times Tables Rockstars - Please encourage your child to complete times tables activities. This will help them with recalling times table facts.

Useful websites for learning at home...


Contact information 

5S:   sayerl@leighton.cheshire.sch.uk

5P:   pawleyg@leighton.cheshire.sch.uk

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