Welcome to Year 2!

We are excited to have you in Year 2. 

Our year 2 team:

Miss Frodsham, Mrs Speake, Mrs Midgley and Miss Randell.


We ask that children read for at least 20 minutes five times each week. Books sent home do not have to be completed all at once and we strongly encourage an equal amount of questioning, to ensure the text and vocabulary has been understood. If you are not sure how you can do this, please ask and look at this link https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-comprehension/ .

Year 2 Summer overview


PE is on Friday - Please send your child into school wearing full PE kit.

Water Bottles - Please send you child in with a bottle of fresh water each day - no juice.

Reading - Please read with your child every night and record it in their reading journal.

Spellings - We will be working on a range of spellings in class each week alongside our English lesson.

Useful Links

Oxford Owl - https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/         

Phonics Play - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/  

Purple Mash -  https://www.purplemash.com/login/   

Accelerated Readerhttps://ukhosted111.renlearn.co.uk